Jesus Plus Nothing

It's amazing how much I can think.

Overthinking's becoming more and more second nature to me, and I think we all know how that can be. Obsessing over every little thing, it's exhausting, and certainly doesn't bring honor to God.

But, what do you do when your mind is going off on tangents?

Remember Jesus. It's strange, and it's hard, but it's needed. Remember that He holds everything, and He's told us not to worry (Matt. 6:25, 32-34). I don't need to worry, it's not my place, not God's plan for me.

He calls me to faith, and faith is the opposite of worry. Faith is trusting in God (Heb 11:1).

Even so, faith is scary. I get all caught up in whether I have enough faith, is my faith big enough? What if I'm not doing it right?

Again, I'm thinking about the wrong thing. My faith doesn't need to be big enough, all my faith needs to do is exist, Jesus does the rest. (Eph. 2:8-9)

I'm slowly learning that it's Jesus plus nothing.

Not Jesus plus worry. Jesus plus reading my Bible and praying. Jesus plus obeying the rules. Jesus plus feeling all the right things. Jesus plus being perfect.

Just, Jesus.

It's new, and it's scary, and it's freeing. Because, if it's Jesus plus nothing, then I can rest in the safety and knowledge that I have Jesus, or, rather, He has me. If it's Jesus plus nothing, then I don't add to the equation, and, I often want to. Feel like I need to add to the equation.

But, I am imperfect, though I want to hide it. But, Jesus knows. Jesus loves, He is already pleased with me, I don't need to do anything.

I can start from a place of acceptance and love, and work from there.

Today's as good a day to remind myself that it's Jesus plus nothing, that God is good, and to remember those things throughout all seasons of life.

Remember, friends, Jesus did it all. We don't have to do anything to earn His love, it is free. That' s who He is, so much greater than I could ever imagine. Jesus is so far beyond the person we make Him out to be at times. He is loving, and always able, always trustworthy.

Fear not, for Jesus is always with us. "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of hte age." Matt. 28:20

~ Rebecca P

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