Accepting Defeat (Victory)

Accepting Defeat (Victory)

I am willing to accept defeat
When the day is over, and nothing else is offered to me
I’ll accept it
I’ll take that defeat
And I’ll try to slog through life under it
I am redefined by this defeat
I’m defeated
And I try to live through that

I feel defeated
Life defeats me
Again, and again
And, whether I accept it or not, I know I don’t have it all figured out
And I think there are only two options
Defeat or denial
I can live in the grueling truth of defeat
Or I can throw myself into a never satisfying life of denial
So mix together
Your brand of defeat and denial
And try to live life
Just like everyone else
Because defeat is loud
And denial tries to be louder
To drown out the pain of defeat


I am willing to accept defeat
When nothing else is offered
And I’m too tired to try and get something else out of life
I’ll take that defeat
And I’ll try to cover it up
Not to let anyone else see
That I’m defeated
And that no amount of poetry can give me victory
But I’ll pretend it will

And I can stay here
I can stay with defeat
I can sprout poetry
Telling you all about all the different ways my defeat defeats me
And I can pretend that that fixes me

But the whole time
I’m only ever uncovering
The greater hole inside of me
And I know that this won’t fix me
I start to believe nothing will fix me

And while I believe these things
My hands gather the largest collection of band-aids and duct tape you’ll ever see
And I’ll get to work
Trying to fix my defeat
Until the sun sets again
And I take that same handout that got me here in the first place
I accept defeat


Look back

Because while I was willing to accept defeat
Someone else wasn’t
I took that handout
I took the only option I saw
All while He was creating another one
One that didn’t seem real to me

While I was busy
Painting the picture of my defeat
Trying to work some way into victory
He wasn’t content with the defeat that defined me
Even when I was

While I was willing to accept defeat
He won my victory

But when I say that
Defeat steps right back in
And tells me that I’ve accepted defeat before
And His victory will never really save me
I’ll always fail
I’ll always forget
And I’ll never feel the victory

I know I’m supposed to dismiss the lies
To focus on the truth
But the lies defeated me before
And I’m no stronger now

This victory I’m supposed to have
Feels fragile
I’m not willing to test its strength
Defeat keeps telling me it’s a lie
And defeat’s louder than victory
And because I’m scared to live under a false victory
That could let me free fall
Into some unknown abyss
I let defeat come back in
And I accept its lies for me


I don’t know how to move past this
Defeat is where I’ve lived
It’s been a home for me
Full of mice
A home where wolves
Howl all through the night
But I’ve called defeat home
And defeat is where I’ll crawl
Because I don’t believe a palace
Could ever be home for me


So here
While I’m willing to accept defeat
While defeat’s got a hold on me
This is when I get to choose
To stop listening to defeat
And look at the victor
Who took the victory

While I was content with defeat
He saw something else for me
While I wallowed in despair
He took greater hell for me
While I took what I though was fair
He broke all the rules for me
He broke the rules I’d thought were right
He crossed my borders between black and white
He made something new
And called it victory

For those such as me

Victory to overcome defeat
Victory to overshadow defeat
Victory to promise an end
To all the defeat
That I could ever see in me

He’s promised me that his victory
Is bigger than my defeat
And He tells met the stories
Of other in defeat
He shows me their mix
Of denial and defeat
And He shows me their victory

Victory, though they couldn’t always see the way
Victory, even though they lost some days
Despite ever defeat
That came running back at them

He tells me to believe
And sometimes I get confused
Trying to believe in my victory
When I just need to believe in Him

Because when I look at Him
When I remember who He is
And what He’s promised me
That’s when defeat’s voice
Get quieter and quieter

Defeat loses ground
When I look at Him
And when He looks at me

Defeat loses ground
Whenever I remember
That He’s always looking at me

He looks at me when I’m defeated
And knows that’s not His plan for me

He looks at me when I look at Him
And helps me know His love for me

He looks at me
When I’m looking away
And calls my name
Because He knows the defeat that’s coming my way
He knows my victory’s only found in Him


While I was willing to accept defeat
He broke through death
And stole victory for me

Victory that doesn’t make sense
I don’t deserve it
And by my logic
I shouldn’t have it
But it’s there all the same
And sometimes when He holds me tight
My heart fills up
In ways I’d forgotten it needed to

Because I was created to live in victory
Defeat was never the plan for me
And living in defeat
Isn’t living at all
It’s dying
Dying in denial
Because if I don’t look at victory
Defeat will surely kill me


And I know I will run
I will hide
And find myself in all the wrong places
And I will let defeat back in
Because I feel defeated again
But His victory
Is not a one-time thing
His victory
Is everlasting
And no matter how many times
Defeat comes in and lies to me
His victory is always there
And it’s always been his plan for me

Because while I was content with defeat
When I am content with defeat
And when I will be content with defeat
He has a different plan for me
It’s not what I thought it would be
It doesn’t feel quite so safe
And I don’t know what it holds
But when I look at Him
And He looks at me
I know that this victory
Is far better than my best plan for me
And defeat
Has been defeated

By His victory

~ Rebecca P.


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