I've Waited Too Long

I don't think it was more than a month ago that I thought maybe I should start a blog.

It was a random idea, something that popped in, I'd read blogs, and, a long time ago, started one or two, but this was a different idea.

Not a journal. A journey. To share struggles, a place to talk and to be honest. Somewhere the deep poetry that comes in struggles can find a home.

It feels right, it's something that might not be just my idea, I think it might have been God who put it in my head.

Maybe I spent that last year writing thoughts, feelings, ideas, and daily plans in a word document so that I'd be ready to write them in a blog this year.


But, what's this blog about? What do I intend to write in it?

My Christian journey, my wonderings and realizations about grace, about how life is lived with Christ. And, ways that hopefully my struggles and realizations can help you, because I feel this urge to share, to help other people going through what I've gone to, to tell other people the messages I know are true, but still struggle to believe and to live out.

You'll probably get poetry, it's something that happens sometimes, and sometimes just feels like such a right way to express myself.

And, we can't forget about art, because, art is part of my calling, it's something I love to do, and God created me to do. It's beautiful, that what I love and long to do sometimes, what sometimes feels like breathing, might just be what I'm called to do my whole life. It might now, but I believe it's what I'm called to do now, so I will make art, and I'll do my best to share it with the world, and run to Jesus when I feel vulnerable in the sharing.

Now, it's been kind of serious, kind of deep up to this point, because right now I'm a little too deep, and I need to learn more about laughing and having joy, but rest assured that this isn't going to all serious, we'll get to laugh together, too. (in fact, to prove my point, here's a joke I thought up.
How does Ant-Man heat up his food?
With a micro-wave.)
So, yeah, we're gonna have fun and everything here.


So, before I end this first blog post (yay!) let's get to a little about me.

I'm seventeen (eighteen in June), and am finishing up my senior year of high school (finishing up, because when you're homeschooled you sometimes get lazy and don't do all your school when you're supposed to), so collage is calling in the fall.

I'm a Christian, I've been one since I was really young and I've grown up in church, I've been trying to grow in my faith, and succeeding, though there are miles more to learn, hopefully we can cover them together.

I'm an INFP, writer (with the OYAN program, great program, you should check it out), artist, pianist, knitter, crocheter, reader, and dabble in other artsy things. I've read Percy Jackson ten times, or something crazy like that. Repeatedly watched Marvel movies, reread basically all books I read, and enjoy putting on dark lipstick for the fun of it.

So, here's to Wondering About Grace, and doing it together.

~ Rebecca P


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