
Showing posts from November, 2017

Accepting Defeat (Victory)

Accepting Defeat (Victory) I am willing to accept defeat When the day is over, and nothing else is offered to me I’ll accept it I’ll take that defeat And I’ll try to slog through life under it I am redefined by this defeat I’m defeated And I try to live through that I feel defeated Life defeats me Again, and again And, whether I accept it or not, I know I don’t have it all figured out And I think there are only two options Defeat or denial I can live in the grueling truth of defeat Or I can throw myself into a never satisfying life of denial So mix together Your brand of defeat and denial And try to live life Just like everyone else Because defeat is loud And denial tries to be louder To drown out the pain of defeat ~~~ I am willing to accept defeat When nothing else is offered And I’m too tired to try and get something else out of life I’ll take that defeat And I’ll try to cover it up Not to let anyone else see...