
Showing posts from October, 2017

My City, a Poem

I’ve been building myself a city A city of accomplishment A city of schedules A city of success A city of answers This city of mine It’s full to the brim with everything you need It has walls stronger than Jericho Walls to keep everyone out Unless I open the gates But  Whenever anyone knocks I remember the Trojan horse And I keep those gates shut Because it might be a trap What looks beautiful might end up ruining me So I keep my Jericho walls up Building them with whatever I can find And I don’t see That this city I’m building Isn’t much of a city after all The only thing real about it Are the walls that keep everyone out These walls They hurt me And when I really see them I want them to come down But I don’t know how to make it happen Within this city I dig, and I dig for answers All in this city All by myself And as I get closer and closer I see That what I’m uncovering isn’t the solution It’s jus...