
Showing posts from July, 2017

Love is Patient. Love is Kind. (God is Love part one)

I've been trying to see God as He really is lately. We've all seen God wrongly, before salvation and after. God can be hard to comprehend, and sometimes we're just tired and don't want to go through all the steps involved with being able to really focus on God and see Him in the moment. Whatever the reason, we can all see God wrong, and it can be hard to see Him right again after we've seen Him wrong for a while. And thus this new blog series is born. I've titled it "God is Love" because a) He is (1 Jn 4:16), and b) I'm going to go through 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, commonly known as the love chapter of the Bible, and apply the various attributes of love to God. Without further ado, let's dig in to seeing God as He is, as Love. ~~~ "Love is patient, love is kind." - 1 Corinthians 13:4 1 Cor. 13:4 starts us off with two things that love is, the rest of the section is devoted to things that love does or things that...


Fear. Fear is a dangerous thing. It makes our mouths close and our hands grip too tight. It makes us look for danger in harmless places. It wreck havoc on our bodies, and tries to take over our relationships. Fear tells us that there is something dangerous out there, and we need to be on the watch for it. Constantly. Fear will grip us tight and never let go. Fear will lie to us. And, much too often, we will let fear in. We will listen to his lies, and we will follow his instructions. And we think that following fear will make things better. Will make us better. Somehow we believe that we're better off living in fear. Maybe we think that giving into the fear now will help us not be fearful later. Spoiler alert; fear has a lot of things in mind, but our good isn't one of them. ~~~ I've found myself living in fear. A giant in my life, lying to me and telling me that I'll never be good enough. Telling me that if I'm not good en...

An Introduction to My Anxiety

I don't think it'll surprise anyone who's read this blog that I have anxiety.  Before I get into all the nitty-gritties of this post, I want to give you an overview of what kind of anxiety I deal with, because everyone deals with different kinds of anxiety. I tend to overthink things.  Obsess.  Pages and pages of writing because I feel like I need all the answers and think maybe writing out more of my feelings will get me there. As you can see from previous posts, I've lately had trouble with overthinking my spiritual life. I also panic. It can be bad. I've convinced myself, twice, that I had a migraine, though I'm now 99% sure that all I had was panic and a bit of a headache. I can give myself some major panic when I think something's wrong with my body. Social anxiety is the one that I'm the least sure about, I can and do get anxious in social situations, but either my anxiety isn't that bad or I've trained myself...